Wednesday, January 19

Relax - Thaipusam...Tommorrow Public Hoilday.

Thaipusam (Tamil: தைப்பூசம், Taippūcam) is a Hindu festival celebrated mostly by the Tamil community on the full moon in the Tamil month of Thai (January/February). It is celebrated not only in countries where the Tamil community constitutes a majority, but also in countries where the Tamil community is a minority, such as Singapore and Malaysia. The festival is also referred to as Thaipooyam or Thaippooyam (Malayalam: തൈപ്പൂയം, Taippūyaṁ). The word Thaipusam is derived from the month name Thai and Pusam, which refers to a star that is at its highest point during the festival. The festival commemorates the occasion when Parvati gave Murugan a velSoorapadman. There is a misconception among people that Thaipusam marks Murugan's birthday; however, it is believed that Vaikhasi Vishakam, which falls in the Vaikhasi month (May/June), is Murugan's birthday. (source Wikipedia)

For some people is just another public holiday; a day to relax (having an extra long deep sleep - including me - GUILTY!). While for others is their believed & a day to celebrate. What makes Thaipusam so popular? KAVADI. Big, Thick, Long Needle been pierced to the skin, Few spear put through & through tongue while carrying heavy stuff. Talking about it makes me dizzy. 

Well lets not talk more about it. Better still, my plan tomorrow, get up as early as i can & moved my heavy butt myself off to the gym. I feel heavy. Well, its not easy to lost 15kg - 20kg in 6 month. Hard Work!!!!! Apart of that, planning for K.oke with dearest mama this Saturday..Hu hu hu hu....

Happy Holiday..... 

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