Monday, March 14

Challenge - To experience new things in life

well its been a while i haven't jotted down anything here...probably i do have another priority for time being..hehehehe...a month ago, i challenge myself on a strict diet.. i tot i can do it.. unfortunately my body can't take it...maybe i'm rushing thru it & pushing it too much. i don't now, i'm in my baby step doing it, still i can't see any i giving up? NOPE...not this year..i've made myself a promise. that at least i'm gonna get my normal weight by June 2011. that's one thing i must get it done.

2nd challenge, i'm gonna go back to school!!!!!yeee haaa!...hanz told me that once i go in i can't turn back...its gonna take a lot of sacrifices..less outing..less hehe haha i gonna do it? YES! but why? i can't be in my same position for the rest of my life...i want to grow.. i want to be someone..somebody...with my age & qualification how far can i go? yes, someone has open my eyes soooo wide, now i can see how small i am in this cruel & busy gonna registered myself with one of well-known institution by this May 2011. Pray for me! :D

3rd challenge, since i love hospitality & F&B world so much, I've tendering my resignation from here & fly back to what i do best in my field. what part is the challenge? its gonna be a hectic world compare to what i did now. yes, true, that i've been there before. but since 2008, i might be forgotten how actually the system works. fuhhh!!!! anyone can help me, help me to recall things? heheheheheh...well, thats a challenge for me to figure it out..

i believe thats all for now...btw, last weekend, spending time with mama & family makes me missing my little sister...Abie..miss you baby girl...

Me (in my size 10) & My Little Baby Sis at Langkawi on 18.02.2007
 hugs & kisses to all....xoxo

Wednesday, February 16

Caring - Fly Fly Flyyy away....

Its been quiet sometime i haven't jotted anything here...Busy lately ( i think)...Well, its gonna be my last day of the week coz tomorrow I'm flying back to my hometown (not really my hometown, its a place I grown up). From time to time I've promise my Babah that I'll be home...At last...Missing my Babah...Most of all I'm gonna miss my Hanz, My Boo Boo, etc etc etc...& also my lovely dovey BFF......take care...I'll be back soon...

courtesy of Google

"Leaving On A Jet Plane"

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go
I'm standin' here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye

But the dawn is breakin', it's early morn
The taxi's waitin', he's blowin' his horn
Already I'm so lonesome I could die

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go

'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go

Wednesday, January 19

Relax - Thaipusam...Tommorrow Public Hoilday.

Thaipusam (Tamil: தைப்பூசம், Taippūcam) is a Hindu festival celebrated mostly by the Tamil community on the full moon in the Tamil month of Thai (January/February). It is celebrated not only in countries where the Tamil community constitutes a majority, but also in countries where the Tamil community is a minority, such as Singapore and Malaysia. The festival is also referred to as Thaipooyam or Thaippooyam (Malayalam: തൈപ്പൂയം, Taippūyaṁ). The word Thaipusam is derived from the month name Thai and Pusam, which refers to a star that is at its highest point during the festival. The festival commemorates the occasion when Parvati gave Murugan a velSoorapadman. There is a misconception among people that Thaipusam marks Murugan's birthday; however, it is believed that Vaikhasi Vishakam, which falls in the Vaikhasi month (May/June), is Murugan's birthday. (source Wikipedia)

For some people is just another public holiday; a day to relax (having an extra long deep sleep - including me - GUILTY!). While for others is their believed & a day to celebrate. What makes Thaipusam so popular? KAVADI. Big, Thick, Long Needle been pierced to the skin, Few spear put through & through tongue while carrying heavy stuff. Talking about it makes me dizzy. 

Well lets not talk more about it. Better still, my plan tomorrow, get up as early as i can & moved my heavy butt myself off to the gym. I feel heavy. Well, its not easy to lost 15kg - 20kg in 6 month. Hard Work!!!!! Apart of that, planning for K.oke with dearest mama this Saturday..Hu hu hu hu....

Happy Holiday..... 

Tuesday, January 18


Its my 1st ever blog (beside those journal in F.S) and this is one of my 2011 resolution..he he he he he...

Lets start simple. For new year resolution, let see what have i done, achieve & will continue doing it so far?

Blogging - Done!

Fitness Craze - Cardio Dance with Zumba - Done & Continuously

Spending more time with my love ones - Continuously

Keep on laughing & smile - Continuously  
Losing up 15kg to 20kg from my current weight
Last but not least my biggest resolution that i need to overcome...

Finishing everything that I've started

 Can i do it? Will i make it?.... I will keep on blogging... and we'll see the outcome...