Monday, March 14

Challenge - To experience new things in life

well its been a while i haven't jotted down anything here...probably i do have another priority for time being..hehehehe...a month ago, i challenge myself on a strict diet.. i tot i can do it.. unfortunately my body can't take it...maybe i'm rushing thru it & pushing it too much. i don't now, i'm in my baby step doing it, still i can't see any i giving up? NOPE...not this year..i've made myself a promise. that at least i'm gonna get my normal weight by June 2011. that's one thing i must get it done.

2nd challenge, i'm gonna go back to school!!!!!yeee haaa!...hanz told me that once i go in i can't turn back...its gonna take a lot of sacrifices..less outing..less hehe haha i gonna do it? YES! but why? i can't be in my same position for the rest of my life...i want to grow.. i want to be someone..somebody...with my age & qualification how far can i go? yes, someone has open my eyes soooo wide, now i can see how small i am in this cruel & busy gonna registered myself with one of well-known institution by this May 2011. Pray for me! :D

3rd challenge, since i love hospitality & F&B world so much, I've tendering my resignation from here & fly back to what i do best in my field. what part is the challenge? its gonna be a hectic world compare to what i did now. yes, true, that i've been there before. but since 2008, i might be forgotten how actually the system works. fuhhh!!!! anyone can help me, help me to recall things? heheheheheh...well, thats a challenge for me to figure it out..

i believe thats all for now...btw, last weekend, spending time with mama & family makes me missing my little sister...Abie..miss you baby girl...

Me (in my size 10) & My Little Baby Sis at Langkawi on 18.02.2007
 hugs & kisses to all....xoxo

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